Corporate Governance - Biography

Bart Van der Schueren |2

Chief Strategy and Technology Officer (CSTO)

Bart has been an Executive Vice President of our company since January 2011, serving as our Chief Technology Officer since 2016, Senior Vice President of Software in 2022 and 2023, and Chief Strategy and Technology Officer since 2024. In this role, he oversees the Research & Technology (R&T) department and is responsible for identifying and sharing strategic technology and industry trends in the market and for defining the strategic directions of Materialise. Prior to joining Materialise, Bart worked at KU Leuven as a liaison engineer for the newly founded Materialise. He played a pivotal role in establishing the basic research activities for the company and founding research activities in 3D Printing at KU Leuven. Bart then earned a PhD in Selective Laser Metal Sintering. In 1995, he officially joined Materialise.