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Document and Entity Information
Consolidated income statements
Consolidated income statements (Parenthetical)
Consolidated statements of comprehensive income
Consolidated statements of financial position
Consolidated statements of changes in equity
Consolidated cash flow statements
Corporate information
Basis of preparation
Material accounting policies
Business Combinations
Intangible assets
Property, plant & equipment
Investments in joint ventures
Inventories and contracts in progress
Other assets
Trade receivables
Cash and cash equivalents
Share-based payment plans
Loans and borrowings
Other non-current liabilities
Tax payables
Deferred income
Other current liabilities
Fair value
Segment information
Income and expenses
Earnings per share
Commitments and contingent liabilities
Related party transactions
Events subsequent to the statement of financial position date
Overview of consolidated entities
Non-IFRS Measures
Accounting Policies
Material accounting policies (Policies)
Material accounting policies (Tables)
Business combinations (Tables)
Goodwill (Tables)
Intangible assets (Tables)
Property, plant & equipment (Tables)
Inventories and contracts in progress (Tables)
Other assets (Tables)
Trade receivables (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents (Tables)
Equity (Tables)
Share based payment plans (Tables)
Loans and borrowings (Tables)
Other non-current liabilities (Tables)
Deferred income (Tables)
Other current liabilities (Tables)
Fair value (Tables)
Segment information (Tables)
Income and expenses (Tables)
Earnings per share (Tables)
Risks (Tables)
Related party transactions (Tables)
Overview of consolidated entities (Tables)
Material accounting policies - Estimated useful lives of the assets (Details)
Material accounting policies - Narrative (Details)
Material accounting policies - Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions (Details)
Business combinations - Acquisition of Link3D and Identify3D Narrative (Details)
Business combinations - Fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities (Details)
Business combinations - Fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities - Narrative (Details)
Goodwill (Details)
Goodwill - Movement table (Details)
Goodwill Narrative (Details)
Goodwill - Sensitivity analysis engimplan impairment (Details)
Goodwill - Sensitivity analysis Materialise Motion impairment (Details)
Intangible assets (Details)
Intangible assets - Remaining amortization period on intangibles resulting from business combinations (Details)
Property, plant & equipment - Changes in carrying value (Details)
Property, plant & equipment - Additional Information (Details)
Property, plant & equipment - Right-of-use assets (Details)
Property, plant & equipment - Income Statement Impact (Details)
Property, plant & equipment - Potential future cash flows following the extension (Details)
Investment in joint ventures - Detail movement (Details)
Investment in joint ventures - Additional Information (Details)
Inventories and contracts in progress (Details)
Inventories and contracts in progress - Additional Information (Details)
Other assets - Investments in convertible loans (Details)
Other assets - Investments in non-listed equity instruments (Details)
Other assets - Other non-current assets (Details)
Other assets - Other current assets (Details)
Other assets - narrative (Details)
Trade receivables (Details)
Trade receivables - narrative (Details)
Trade receivables - Movement table bad debt reserve (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents - Narrative (Details)
Equity (Details)
Equity Narrative (Details)
Equity - Other reserve (Details)
Equity - Other comprehensive income (Details)
Share-based payment plan (Details)
Share-based payment plan - Additional Information (Details)
Share-based payments - Details share-based payment arrangements Materialise (Details)
Share-based payments - Details grants Materialise (Details)
Share-based payments - Expense and weighted average narrative (Details)
Share-based payments - Details grants Materialise cash settled (Details)
Share-based payments - Details grants Rapidfit (Details)
Share-based payments - Details grants Rapidfit cash settled (Details)
Share-based payments - Details grants Rapidfit narrative (Details)
Loans and borrowings (Details)
Loans and borrowings Narrative (Details)
Loans and borrowings - Movement table (Details)
Other non-current liabilities (Details)
Tax payables (Details)
Deferred income (Details)
Deferred income - Additional information (Details)
Other current liabilities (Details)
Fair value - Financial assets (Details)
Fair value - Financial liabilities (Details)
Fair value - Hierarchy 3 evolution, Convertible Loans Ditto & Fluidda (Details)
Fair value - Hierarchy, Written Put Option on NCI RapidFit (Details)
Fair value - Narrative (Details)
Segment information (Details)
Segment information - Additional information (Details)
Segment information - Reconciliation (Details)
Segment information - Revenue by geographical area (Details)
Segment information - Non-current assets by geographical area (Details)
Income and expenses - Disaggregated revenue information (Details)
Income and expenses - Revenue per type of good or service (Details)
Income and expenses - Contract balances (Details)
Income and expenses - Contract balance additional information (Details)
Income and expenses - Cost of sales (Details)
Income and expenses - Research and development expenses (Details)
Income and expenses - Sales and marketing expenses (Details)
Income and expenses - General and administrative expenses (Details)
Income and expenses - Net other operating income (Details)
Income and expenses - Net other operating income - Additional Information (Details)
Income and expenses - Payroll expenses (Details)
Income and expenses - Financial expense (Details)
Income and expenses - Financial income (Details)
Income and expenses - Current income taxes (Details)
Income and expenses - Deferred tax (Details)
Income and expenses - Income taxes - Deferred tax additional information (Details)
Income and expenses - Relationship tax expense and accounting profit (Details)
Earnings per share - Summary of net profit (loss) for the year used for the basic and diluted earnings per share (Details)
Earnings Per Share - Summary of share data used in the basic and diluted earnings per share computations (Details)
Earnings Per Share - Summary of earnings per share (Details)
Commitment and contingent liabilities - Mortgages and pledges (Details)
Commitment and contingent liabilities - Other commitments (Details)
Risks - Foreign currency sensitivity (Details)
Risks - Liquidity risk (Details)
Risks - Range of contracted obligations (Details)
Risks - Credit risk (Details)
Related party transactions - Compensation of key management personnel (Details)
Related party transaction - Transactions into related parties (Details)
Related party transactions - Narrative (Details)
Overview of consolidated entities (Details)
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